Saturday, January 3, 2009

Let's Get Started ...

I know what you're thinking: here's yet another blog written by yet another so-called "traditional" Catholic. Yawn.

But this blog will not be written by me besides periodic news updates -- it will be written primarily by you.

The concept is simple: you go to Mass somewhere in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. or the Arlington Diocese, you see a liturgical abuse, and you email me. I will then post your account of the abuse and open it up for discussion in the comment section. If the priest -- if he calls himself a "presider" that's an abuse in and of itself -- writes in and wants to comment, he can do that as well. If the abuse is committed by a layman, he or she can also comment in their own defense.

Did your priest wear dopey and liturgically illegal blue vestments for Advent? Does the congregation hold hands during the Pater Noster? Are laymen talking during the homily instead of the priest? Are prayers being said during Mass for the ordination of women or other anti-Catholic petitions? Is the matter used for the Body and Blood of Christ valid? Is Communion being given to open heretics? If there is something being done at Mass that is offending your sensus Catholicus, then email me and let's expose it and, God willing, end it. Priests, you may write in as well. And anonymity is guaranteed for everyone -- layman or clergy.

And don't think this applies only to the Novus Ordo. While the Holy Father's Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" was a blessing from Heaven, it also opened the door to novelties in a Mass that was once only said by priests who knew it inside and out and would never think of adding or subtracting from it. So if there's something goofy going on in the Mass of All Ages, such as it following the new calendar instead of the traditional calendar, Communion in the hand, inappropriate music in the vernacular, vestments unfit for the traditional Mass, etc., then email me and let's expose it and, God willing, end it.

(I know what some of you traditionals are thinking: “Why do we even care about the Novus Ordo? Isn’t it just one big liturgical abuse?” My answer to that is, once the average Catholic is no longer exposed to balloons and clowns and banjos and Communion in the hand from Patty or Bob; once the average Catholic is introduced to sacred music, Communion kneeling at an altar rail, a priest saying Mass Ad Orientem (facing liturgical East and toward God and not toward the people), not having to shake hands at Mass, etc., all things currently permitted but ignored in the typical Novus Ordo Mass, then they will be one step closer to embracing the Traditional Latin Mass. Isn’t that really the main goal? We need to start laying brick in a hurry.)

If enough of us traditional and conservative Roman Catholics come together, we can root out abuses for good in the Archdiocese of Washington and the Arlington Diocese. God only knows we can't count on our politician prelates to do so.

So, if you want more reverence and less balloons; if you want more Palestrina in the Mass and less Nancy Pelosi at the altar rail; you've come to the right place.

Let's get started ...


  1. Great idea whoever you are. Unfortunately I'm afraid it won't take long for you to start getting some comments regarding suspected liturgical abuses.
    Have you considered allowing comments for parishes where the laity are generally and consistently poorly dressed for Mass like shorts, t-shirts, blue jeans, women in way too revealing dresses etc?

  2. Dear Abe:

    I hope you're right -- God knows we have so much liturgical abuse in the two dioceses. I know there are a few list serves in the area. I'm hoping folks like you can help promote the blog and report on abuses.

    I'm not in this for fame -- obviously, since I'm not even using my name. I just want to get something done and end the nonsense.

  3. Nice blog . . . I found this site by browsing online. In Kenosha, WI we have focused on the motu proprio to ask our local priests for the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). Yes, we have had to persevere, but by promoting the TLM and educating Catholics they have seen how Mass should be offered. Our work remains positive with the goal of bringing back all things in Christ. Graces are flowing! Please visit our website:
